Home Announcement


This blog was created back in Spring 2013 to chronicle my journey through my masters thesis at Nazareth College. I tried to keep the whole process simple to follow. It’s now been almost a year since I graduated! With time going by, I’ve been working on jewelry and drawings amongst other things to sell in an etsy.com shop. Having said this, I decided to start a shiny new blog! This one will chronicle the beginnings… I have a store name, and some items filled in, and are currently working on listing items and writing descriptions. Down the road to this summer, my daughter will join me in making jewelry, and have her own line of hemp jewelry.

If you came to take a look at my thesis journey, be rest assure I won’t be deleting it anytime soon! I put way too much work into it to dispose of it so quickly!

Thank you for coming along on my journeys… I look forward to hearing from you all!



If you only have a few minutes to visit my page, I think the most important part for you to read is my proposal. It is here that you were learn why I decided to go in a direction that I have never gone before (learning how to build and maintain a blog) and the reasoning behind my research.

I’m loving the entire project, love my mentor, and can’t wait to see the final product! I have tons of support: my parents, John and Patricia; my mentor, Dr. A. Coon; my fellow thesis students (Barbara, Cathy, and Jesse); my Aunt Barbara, my children: Gabrianna and Rook, and last but not the least important, my spouse Robyn.

I will be working everyday on this project, so come back often to see what I’m doing! Follow along with me under the ‘posts’ tab!

Thanks again for coming by!

Stacey M. Sheppard

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