Watercolor and Sharpies


Art Therapy Piece: Watercolor Pencils with Water Applied by Brush

Over the past several weeks I have started projects in the art therapy group I am participating in. I realized that I had 3-4 that I had not finished. I worked diligently this week in getting them done. I feel very good for having done them!

I learned something very important while working on this project. Watercolor pencils do not work with acrylic primed canvas pages. The water you add with a brush, instead of blending, beads up and sits on the paper. So, I had a restart. This time I dug out the watercolor paper, that I had seen before but I had wanted to go larger.


I started with a yellow/gold sharpie.


After the yellow, I dropped down to the bottom left using purple.


Almost done!




The Mediums We Work In: Part One

As part of the 3D tree, I am looking at the different mediums my family members (and I) work in. Some of us have varied interests (i.e. My grandmother Peggy, mother, aunt Barbara, and aunt Robin all sew). I am going to hang from this tree an item that represents for each type of medium. Here is the list I have come up with:

Paint Palette = acrylic/oil painter

Polaroid Film Sheet = photographer

Rubber Stamp = For those who created a rubber stamp.

A Beaded Bracelet = For those who make jewelry

Drawing Pad/Pen = For those who draw

A Mini-Handmade book = For those who do altered books/projects

Fabric on a Hoop = For those who quilt, and/or do embroidery

Something wooden = For those into woodworking

Fabrics/Needle = For those who sew

My intent is to have each person represented by the different work they do. So, say I’m putting my mediums on the tree, I would be represented in several ways, with several items. I am an artist, photographer, sewer, altered artist as well as a jewelry maker. I would get all of those hung from the tree. My purpose in doing this is to show that we are all multi-talented artists. I plan to make all of the items be painted in gold. The tree itself is in the tertiary  colors.

The Lost Children

I had a huge breakthrough that I’ve been trying to figure out how to approach. I have been feeling like my trees, my circle of life if you like… is missing something. Or rather, someone. Or perhaps… more than one…

I have a daughter- not Gabrianna my oldest. This little girl was my middle child. I gave birth to her at 22 weeks 4 days. Myria Lynn was what they refer to as a micro-preemie. She weighed in at 2 pounds, 4 ounces; her length was 12 inches. She was smaller than a coke can. Myria is full blooded sibling to my youngest, Rook. He was also early- but not so much born at 32 weeks. Myria was in the NICU at Strong Memorial Hospital for three months. Myria and Rook are 10 months apart.

I don’t really want to get into the whole story here, because it’s a long and involved one, but I’ll give you a tidbit about how life was going and where she is.

Gabrianna was 5 years old when Myria was born, and 6 when Rook was born. If you ask her now, she really doesn’t remember much, but does remember playing with them and how Rook did things faster than his sister. I was going to school at Bryant and Stratton earning my AOS is Graphic Design, working part time at a daycare near where we lived, and where the children attended. The daycare was great, they had space for all three children, and they were able to meet the needs of each.

All the children were vegetarian. Rook was allergic to anything remotely dairy (as in he had separate dishes to cook and eat out of). Gabrianna was my picky eater, and Myria would eat anything that came her way. Made no difference, if I was eating it- she’d pop her little mouth open as in a ‘feed me!’ war cry. I think she was the most rewarding to feed, because never once did she turn food away. I’d feed her siblings, and then she and I would share whatever was made.

Before I get too far off… When Gabrianna turned 5 she went to kindergarden. She loved it, and excelled. Our best memory is me being called into the elementary school office because her teacher thought it inappropriate for her to have her hair dyed hot pink. Let me say- I did not bleach it first- it was over her dark brown natural curly hair. I literally laughed out loud! I couldn’t believe this was the reason I was being called in. I told both the teacher and the principal, two things. The first- if I’m going to argue about every little thing, how will we ever handle the big stuff? And, secondly, hair grows out. Really?? I still chuckle. Gabrianna is 18 now and almost never has dyed her hair since. She knows she can whenever she wants, I’ll even help. Still it’s not a big deal. Death, accidents, secrets, boys, money, health and happiness are important, not the color of your hair.

By the time Rook was a year old (DOB 1999) Myria was almost two (DOB 1998); we had more people in and out of the house than the post office. On a weekly basis Myria had physical therapy 4x, speech 3x, occupational 3x and though she was down from the huge amount of meds, she still received them around the clock. Rook had occupational and physical therapy as well, and he began to take speech when Myria’s speech pathologist realized that Rook didn’t talk at all. And because Myria had trouble gaining weight, we had a nurse coming in once a week for weight check, and to make sure her sleep apnea machine was in good order.

Poor Gabrianna and I were left out of the chaos. I think that is why we both thrive on being busy. There came a point when Myria and Rook’s dad decided he “wasn’t ready to be a father” and left us with no apartment lease and no place to go.

Long story not so short…. I was single. I had 3 kids under the age of 5. I wasn’t handling the situation very well. And, I have to note- I was not diagnosed with anything yet. I was not on any medication. I should have been. But that’s hind sight.

I decided after much deliberation, list making, a heart breaking decision that we were not going to make it. Myria was the one who needed the most. She had been diagnosed with brain bleeds due to the early birth, cerebral palsy and a non-related seizure disorder. Although all the kids deserved more, I knew she needed a family who could really take care of her, and could meet her needs.

I worked through an adoption agency in Rochester. There was only one family who fit every single criteria I asked for. So, by the time her second birthday was here, she was moved in with her adopted parents. Myria is now 14. We have an open adoption. My mom sees her on a fairly regular basis. I used to go see her. Robyn hasn’t met her yet. She wants to, but understands that for right now, I can’t go. It’s something I am sure I will get to in therapy after time.

Myria Lynn is just one of the missing, lost children in our family. Prior to my pregnancy with her, I lost a baby boy at 20 weeks gestation. My mom helped me name him: Jonah. The hospital let me hold him, and took pics of him, and did a footprint, and they gave me this little necklace charm with a gold ring on it. I have them all in a box I have with stuff that has meaning. I have not looked at the photos in years. I sometimes wonder if he would have looked like his brother Rook, or sister Myria. In going down memory lane to the child I lost, it reminds me of another boy I have not had the chance to know…

My mom and dad also gave up a baby. It’d mean I was the middle child, and not the oldest. He’s eight years older than I. I think of him now and then. Wondering if he’d look like us. Likely he does. But, I also wonder if he ever thought of finding us. The adoption is closed, and something this family of mine doesn’t talk about. I’m hoping, praying, I don’t get too much backlash posting it, but having him out there has been both an external and an internal influence since I learned of him all those years ago.

Something Not Quite Right

At some point during my process, I realized that were things immanently wrong with the family tree I was creating. After several nights battling insomnia and the nightmares being brought (even more so, as I was having them prior) on with one of my new meds, it came to me that I was missing a couple key people in my life. Once I came to this realization I brought it up with Anne, and then again in our Thesis Group with Monica. This was definitely a major break through for me.

I had decided I would talk it over with my mom, to get her input on the whole thing, I kept waiting for that “perfect moment” and it just hadn’t been there. Instead, I’m just going to post the part for me that is the most necessary. I feel to be true to this process, and to myself, they need to be here.

These “Lost Children” to me are just to big of a part too who I am.

There are family members of which we don’t talk to others. I’m sure you might have a family like this- sisters don’t speak to sisters, brothers don’t talk to others. Apparently, as I am finding out this isn’t all that uncommon. I’ve reached out to one of those… an aunt. I do hope I will hear from her. She has an interesting blog of her own going. I’m waiting to hear from her, but I’d love to connect my readers here to her, and her wonderful art work. I’m hoping to get responses from some of the others. Not all family members are participating, as I’ve made it for the artists. I’m not sure if that is fair, because I am the one deciding if they are or are not. But, it is my thesis… I must keep some control…

The Root System

As this 3D tree comes together, I have decided that the base is perhaps less important than the rest… having said that, I started working the root system  and base on the papasan stool. It is hard for me to visualize this piece without the tree on it. Having said that- the tree on the base is too tall to sit on the table for me to work on… but the floor is cold, and harder to get up off of when the chronic pain rolls around. I’m ending up doing some of this just to get it done, figuring I can work out the logistics later. Here is how it is coming:

Beginning of Base 01

Beginning of Base 01

Beginning of Base 02

Beginning of Base 02


Beginning of Base 03

Beginning of Base 03


It looks very awkward. And, you can’t see the wire… but once it is rounded out a bit more and painted- then it will all come together!


Slice of Tree

As I drove to yesterday’s art therapy group, I began to wonder what our directive might be. We aren’t required to do it in any sense, but I do like to try. I think that doing what I’m asked helps stretch my work, my boundaries, and to act as a break through those days I’m just not wanting to create. There has been this very cool woven wall hanging in the studio we use. I have no idea who created it. I am drawn to it. I love looking at it. so today, I decided I wound create a slice of tree, so that the rings were woven like the wall hanging that I adored…. as with every other group, I had to take mine with me to finish it. Before leaving group some of us shared what we were working on. Many thought my piece looked like a dream catcher. They were right, it. most certainly did! Not at all my intentions, but sometimes art has its way of morphing into things unknown. I showed it to Dr C, and she agreed with the dream capture as well! Anyway, she as well as the group was interested in how it would play itself out.

Tree Slice 01

Tree Slice 01- Front 

Tree Slice 02

Tree Slice 02- Back

I intended this to be hung from the ceiling rather than up against a wall, so that you could see both sides of the slice of tree I had made… I do have a favorite side, but still want it hung from the ceiling as I had planned!


The days are going by quickly. And, the growth of this tree is becoming quite clearly a larger than perhaps I thought tree… which by the way I’m absolutely loving! I just cannot work fast enough on this to get the colors on! I’ve dreamed of this tree for many nights… I’m trying to come up with the way the colors will play into it. I know I don’t want them too blended like sunsets, and not absolute horizontal rainbow stripes… like the socks I love that Robyn bought me…. I do adore them- they are like Rainbow Brite!

Blooming Branches

Blooming Branches 01

Blooming Branches 02

Blooming Branches 02

Blooming Branches 03

Blooming Branches 03


To Grandma’s House We Go…

Let me be honest here… she doesn’t live in a house. She’s in an apartment!

Robyn and I went on a road trip to Canandaigua, where my maternal grandmother lives at a place called Quail Summit. She(Peggy) has lived there since my grandfather, her husband: John, passed away five and a half years ago. Her apartment is a good size for her alone. She gets to have a full bedroom with full bathroom, a small living/dining space and a small-ish galley kitchen. There is a second bedroom with full bath, almost identical to her own only flipped in layout. This second room, is her sewing room. Or, rather I should say her “Craft Room.”

If you asked me to recall memories of growing up, and going to grandma and grandpa’s house, much of it would be centered around her sewing and making my sister and I clothing, and making clothing for our Ginny Dolls. She made other dolls as well. My sister and I each have one named after us. Hers is Mischievous Meg, and mine is Sweetest Stacey.

Grandma is now 95, and is questioning her life here on Earth, and thinking about her husband she misses so dearly…

She has good days, and bad days, and today was not one of the good days. There is always a 50/50 chance… and our luck was not on our side this visit. But, we focused on her, and tried to keep the boat stable, as Grandpa was probably watching us thinking… keep an even keel!

Anyway. What I was really intending to say was this: grandma has decided to do no more sewing. What!? Grandma NOT sew!? I didn’t even think this was possible… Seems like sewing is in her blood!

We worked hard to get some of my interview questions answered, as I really think she’d be an interesting piece to my puzzle, but, alas it wasn’t today just wasn’t the day for it.

An Unquiet Mind + Art Therapy Day

The other day I was aimlessly wandering around the web, I happen upon http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/bipolar . There are some very interesting quotes about those who are bipolar, and  how they feeling being such.  The one that resonates with me the most is this:

“There is a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness, and terror involved in this kind of madness. When you’re high it’s tremendous. The ideas and feelings are fast and frequent like shooting stars, and you follow them until you find better and brighter ones. Shyness goes, the right words and gestures are suddenly there, the power to captivate others a felt certainty. There are interests found in uninteresting people. Sensuality is pervasive and the desire to seduce and be seduced irresistible. Feelings of ease, intensity, power, well-being, financial omnipotence, and euphoria pervade one’s marrow. But, somewhere, this changes. The fast ideas are far too fast, and there are far too many; overwhelming confusion replaces clarity. Memory goes. Humor and absorption on friends’ faces are replaced by fear and concern. Everything previously moving with the grain is now against– you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and enmeshed totally in the blackest caves of the mind. You never knew those caves were there. It will never end, for madness carves its own reality.”
― Kay Redfield JamisonAn Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness

I have put in an order for her book through our school library in hopes of getting my hands on it before the quarter’s end.


Today was an Art Therapy Studio Day. Our ‘directive’ for lack of a better term was to create something that showed who/what supported us through life. I will upload mine at some point, but for the general idea… A very abstracted  dark blue pastel oval with two eyes, mouth, then a circles of purples, red and then yellow pastels. on the outside I glued on puffy pieces of colored tissue papers- purple, blue, yellow, lime green, pink, magenta. Across the top it says, “Not me without the people around me- a support of people in my darkest days I know won’t ever leave me.” At the bottom I listed people, in no particular order and the date I created it.

My Supporters

My Supporters

Finally got a chance to upload! This hangs in my studio, above myself and Robyn while we are working on our computers. We both have so many great supporters, and though we feel like we left so many of them behind, we have my family who has been our strength over the past couple of years.

Influences (Internal)

Internal influences are typically derived from our external ones. I gave many examples of external ones in the post prior to this one. If you take those experiences, they each shape how we react internally. Every single thought, concept, idea we create internally, are based on external factors. Internal influences can’t hardly exist without some sort of external one.

Internal influences are knowledge, factual information that we know; our curiosities, our likes and dislikes, our desires and fears. They are also our internal personality, psychological condition, use of medications, financial well-being, level of illness, current mood, stress level, amount of sleep we had over the last few days and the support or lack of support we feel we are receiving at moment in time.

I think the best way I can describe what an internal influence is, is by saying that they are your intuition, your gut feeling, your immediate impression. These are considered abstract thoughts and observations. Intuitive people tend to be good in the musics, arts and in mathematics. They have a strong internal influence, a strong sense of self, and their intuitions are stronger than most others, especially when it leads to greater creativity.

My internal influences are:

~The things I know, and in essence the things I do not know (the things that make me worry the most- the not-knowing).

~Having a mental illness is something I deal with on an every day basis. The only other person who would understand what I mean, would be another person like me, who also had bipolar/OCD and etc. The medications I take to ‘level me out’ have many different effects. Medications are good in that when I am taking them, other people  know how I am going to respond to them and the situation. When my meds are starting not to work, or I am not on any, I tend to be all over the place… meaning I can be super high manic phase and then the lowest of lows in depression. I periodically get stuck in one phase or the other. During this thesis project, I will be doing a change over in medications. The one I am currently on (Seroquel XR) is no longer working, and I’m beginning to cycle, sometimes I cycle many times in as little as an hour.

~As one with chronic pain, it affects my every day, my every moment. When I wake in the morning, how much pain am I having? Are my meds working? Am I warm? Did I move at all in my sleep. Being warm, and having moved are critical points for me. I have less pain if I am warm (I sleep with an electric blanket) and, if I moved in my sleep, that is a plus because joints got to rest from my body weight pressing on them. As far as effect on my human being- this is probably the number one factor.

~Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. *Raise your hand if you have ever had insomnia?* That’s right, its not uncommon at all! Though I am on medication for pain around the clock, I do not set an alarm for a middle of the night dose. Instead, when I wake on my own, I take them. I don’t always wake up in the middle of the night needing them. I’d say somewhere between 4 and 5 days a week, I am up taking pain meds while the rest of the house sleeps.

~My mood, stress level, and amount of sleep directly impact who I am on the outside, and on the inside.

~The other factors I mentioned above (financial well-being; who I am with; who I am missing; what the current weather is;) all affect me just as it affects you!

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May 2024
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finding my way through an artistic legacy


Design Originals

Oopsey Daisy

finding my way through an artistic legacy